I’m Dr Selena Fisk, a Data Storyteller

noun. Data Storyteller.

One who helps others bring data to life, in order to make evidence-informed decisions.

Do you find data daunting?

So many insights exist in our data which enable us to find and action new opportunities, avoid unnecessary risk, and generally run a better organisation than we did yesterday. While we might be conscious that the technology we use in our organisations is gathering data for us all the time, we’re also often unsure of how to access it, make sense of it, and then talk about it, and use it, in a way that can inform great decision-making.

I work with organisations and schools to develop strategic approaches to the data that they collect, collate and use, and equip employees at all levels to have highly effective data storytelling conversations about that data so that all decisions being made can be informed by evidence.

I fiercely advocate for a world in which we are all data-informed, not data-driven; yet I realise that this isn’t a skill set we all have or are confident in.

As a data storyteller and grounded researcher, I am as enthusiastic about building data storytelling skills in others as I am about building my own understanding of the evolving ways data can support individuals, organisations and communities to flourish and thrive. For me, using data in a way that benefits others is the only way to use it. Almost nothing will accelerate the impact we can have as humans like being able to see trends in the numbers, and using this information alongside our understanding of context to inform our decisions.

Given the expansion of my business, from 2024, I will continue to deliver keynotes, work with the corporate/NFP sector, and run the Data Champions (schools) program. My team of extraordinary presenters will continue to work one-on-one with schools, offering professional learning and development sessions and data storytelling training. 

In 2022, I published my first corporate/NFP/life data book, “I’m not a numbers person: How to make good decisions in a data-rich world” with Major Street Publishing, and released my ‘Talking Data’ card deck for meetings in 2023. My podcast, ‘Make Data Talk’, began in January 2024. 

For educators, I have written three books, which have been published by Amba Press, and my online course is available for individuals and schools to purchase.

I’m a data storyteller who is passionate about helping others sort through the numbers to tell impactful data stories, and lead positive change in their sphere of influence.

 ways we can work together

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I send out an irregular newsletter with different ideas, tools and strategies for making the most of your data.

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